Lonestar Memories: Colombina on Perfumesmellingthings. (...)Lonestar Memories makes me want to escape the mundane confines of my everyday world(...)

Lonestar Memories: Katie on Scentzilla. (...) Lonestar Memories smells of the examined life. Inside there is joy, and there is tiny heartbreak, e xisting only in reverie. The scent unravels into the consideration of past experiences, and pinings for future joys and heartbreaks(...)

Lonestar Memories: Marlen Harrison's review on PerfumeCritic.com (...) If you're a lover of leather or richer wood fragrances, this is gonna be a holy grail scent and in that case, better get two bottles.(...)

Lonestar Memories: Cait Shortell's review on Legerdenez. (...) Do you appreciate scent because you identify with the scent and its image? Does a scent have the ability to create a memory outside one’s own experience?(...)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Rotten beaver, vanilla traps and some thoughts more

Around a weak ago, a group of synthetic beavers walked into an orris garden, sent there by a perfumer. Stupid perfumer thought his little orris garden needed some more depth and a twist to the dirty side. Well, the perfumer still feels the same. He is not entirely pleased with his garden, yet. The entry with its spicy roses and the pepper plants look lovely, but somewhere in the middle, before you enter the little forest in the back, it misses this earthy, animal quality. Thus, he sent his beaver army off and thought that vanilla might be a good companion, too. Eventually, his judgment was right, but the army of beaver trampled down quite a bit of his nicely arranged garden, leaving his roses untouched, but entirely destroyed his incense corner, and the worst was the vanillin pond where some of the beavers got so depressed that the weakest among them gave up and went there where all beavers have to go one day. And with no one cleaning up this mess, their physical remains remind the gardener that there is be a beaver heavenly paradise where his furry friends dance and sing the songs of eternal happiness and praise true perfume artists.

Well, bottom line of all this: the pepper line and rose start = ok. Orris with incense woody lines, sparkling and radiating =ok. But I still think, there is a touch of deepness missing in the overall composition. And the agarwood is a marvellous scent, deep, intense, lasting, expensive, but to tie it in, to have it there from the very beginning, to prepare the stage with the right light on is a tricky one. Maybe the difficulty is there: You have an image of a scent in your mind, which is not the complete picture, it is a reflection, an abstraction of it. And this abstraction you want to see become reality in a composition, without bending your image. We work on it….

Finally, with the end of this week approaching I need to start some thinking about public appearance, communities and how to get known as niche perfumer. Basically it is about circles, knowing them, entering them and leaving them. Marketing again….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charmingly witty comment - I was smiling reading it. I love iris and the earthier, the better (i hate Iris Poudre and love Iris Silver Mist).

1:39 AM  
Blogger andy said...

yeah, Konstantin, now the issue remains... how to bring my dirty earthy beaver that I love so much in there....But I already have an idea...

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Taming the beaver' could be then name of your next perfume - or 'Frolicking in the beaver garden'. Obvioulsy, we'll rise above the lewd connotations....

Loved this entry, Andy - more metaphors please!

4:34 AM  
Blogger andy said...

hehe...dances with beavers... or to compete with Guerlain: "Cuir de Castor"

or "La jête jardinière en fourrure de Castor"

I will see that a metaphor will pop up from time to time....

4:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Synthetic beaver...hmm, have you used up some of your nieces and nephews cuddly toys ;-)

Makes me think of one of the major mistakes Swedish companies have made when trying to get established in the US: "The Swedish beaver is coming to town". It was a DIYS chain store called Woody's who had this beaver dressed in dungarees and a blue cap in their logo. The other was "Nothing sucks like an Elektrolux" :-O

2:16 AM  
Blogger andy said...

hahaha... nothing sucks like an Electrolux is great!

Reminds me in the LaPrairie Silverrain marketing sentence " a disturbance in air..."

2:27 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Dear Andy - lovely post - made me smile alot!


5:47 AM  

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